Fri 24 5:56 AM SGT / -0.11 m 1:09 PM SGT / 2.26 m 6:26 PM SGT / 1.01 m 7:03 AM SGT 7:14 PM SGT
Sat 25 12:06 AM SGT / 2.21 m 6:45 AM SGT /
0.03 m 1:42 PM SGT / 2.22 m 7:09 PM SGT/ 0.86 m 7:03 AM SGT 7:14 PM SGT
Sun 26 1:04 AM SGT / 2.24 m 7:31 AM SGT / 0.24 m 2:13 PM SGT / 2.17 m 7:53 PM SGT / 0.73 m 7:03 AM SGT 7:14 PM SGT
the dates are for our trip,
it seem like we will be having ideal strong currents during saturday afternoon.
Or you can view the table @
From my experience, these tide tables are not that reliable at Horsburgh recently. My last trip around 3 weeks ago. Supposed to be gentle current, I ended up using size 18 sinker still fly kite. The rest of my kakis did not even fish the whole morning cos their rods cannot tahan size 18 sinkers, I was the only one fighting the sinker. I checked with a few kakis on my regular tackle shop visits and they experienced similiar situation. These days, offshore fishing has to depend a lot on luck.
guys.. prepare to use size 20 n above for this HB trip.. pls prepare BIGGER N MORE sinker.
huh..... Size 20, then i can go there fly Kite liao.
Balloon Balloon lor.
Strong current then it's Sashimi Time,if not go Koonzzzz
PP bring 100lbs handline during strong current. Tie apollo with long snood. Strong current may get big fish!
thanks Piero,
Wow! strong current i think i go rest,eat drink n makan,then when curent is good i can play mah..... hahaha my target is simple....
i wanna eat sashimi onboard.
bring a bottle of sake n chilled it.
hmmmm..... this time i still have to cut and prepare by myself again.
Chermin,Golden Snapper n Squids.
Whose boat you going with ?
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