Main Contractors: Storm and Relaxed33
Sub-cons: Xenokel,PP777,Burp,Syafiq89
Deckie on hand:Tkk aka Sotong aka Squiggle
Total Catch 8(but only 6 in photo cos 2 kim chios already tabao by TKK)
A million apologies to Piero who went down but we were not there yet and he left
Apologies once again
Todays fishes were minimum 1kg in weight (even the kim chios were of that size)
Virgin deckie on hand released one fish into the water instead of keep net but that fish was later hooked back by the combined efforts of PP777 and Burp
Xenokel got a potential big hit that ran away due to some noob angler besides him blocking the way,not allowing him to have enough space to pull the fish out from the netting area
Relaxed33 got the biggest fish of the night at the no entry sign area
Storm Luring today take count :1
Landed count : 0 (haven set hook fish throw hook already)
Special Thanks to Syafiq who came down at 1am after his work.
Observations today at PRPP:
1...around 10 groupers landed by diff anglers 2 or 3 mama groupers,the rest baby groupers
2...KBL in the range of 2.5kg and up were landed about 6in total
3...Kim Chios landed today were all mama size,at least 1kg and above
Conclusion of the day:
Overall every angler at the pond has got hits and misses(as usual)
Special Notification
Next event: World Cup 2010 quarterfinals drink coffee watch soccer session
Date: 2 July 2010(confirmed location) and 3 July 2010(confirmed unless otherwise changed)
Location: Simpang Bedok aka Bedok Walk
Time: 2100hrs onwards
Event starter: Burp
Who can join: Anybody who is free and got nothing to do during that period of time and wanna watch soccer or drink one of the best milo dinosaurs in sg and dun mind travelling to Bedok
Costs involved: Individual Spending
You referring to SPIZE at Simpang Bedok si boh???
burp say meet there only
so what the heck...
just meet there and than decide which part hahahaha
Didn't know they have live telecasts there at simpang bedok.. So TKK has finally been initialised? Haha.. maybe Next time bump 'accidentally' into noob anglers with a profuse sorry..
don like to drink milo dinasuar nvrm.. still got tea-O limo ice
okok...I'll be shopping in expo on sat so might join you guys there.
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