Thursday, July 15, 2010

A night of Big Chos...14 July 2010 PRPP

It was a memorable night for TEAM AA tonight at PRPP

3 rods by F6,Excalibur and Storm with the support of Burp,PP777,Xenokel,Jeskel,Mrs Storm and BB Storm

A record i believe for such a night as the count of

5 BIG CHOS (compared against a size 7 slipper) weighing at least 2kg each were landed

4 MJs for the night table size

1 Ang Kuay slightly bigger than table size

total catch for the night is 10

sorry forgot the count on each rod,
but even though the quantity was not up to par today,but the quality was definitely up to par.

Sorry in the pic missing 1 big cho,2mj cos were tabaoed by PP777's "old big" squiggle

anyways the elusive 13kg kbl was landed by another kaki at prpp today near longgang,PP777 was on hands to help out and according to him,this kbl was at least 16kg in weight and even though we were seeing from the bank across,it measured about a foot long from my view.
sorry din managed to take any pic of the huge grand mama,but the grand mama was CNRed


Excalibur said...

I think my count for the nite is 5?
3 big 2 small

relaxed33 said...

Darn, I missed this good session with big snappers...sigh....

Anonymous said...

Ex...seriously dun think I can rem how many on each rod all the excitement from the big chos n the kbl n the discussions in yongs recipes n on the discussion on the tackle bit(which caused a mini stir) haha

Anonymous said...

Bruce...a relaxed and open mind enjoying the company will always yield unexpected results

Just like Jes yesterday though she wanna go for Kim Chios in the end landed 2 Mjs in quick succession haha

PP777 said...

too bad our F6 wasn't performing,
cos he's down with flu,
(flew with the F16's or NDP)