Saturday, November 13, 2010

FW3 C&R 12-11-10

Was there for about 1.5hr
Angler: Mrs Storm

2 x hooked up

1 x patin estimated around 3-4kg

1 x cpc estimated around 10kg


Redshadow said...

sure bo,,mrs storm caught this or papa storm caught it pass it to mama for photo takings,,hahahhahah

Natalie aka Mrs Storm said...

Unc RS! Storm didn't help la.. I use his setup though! Unc Tom did the set hook..I walked the fish short while only. Think the fish already do 'catwalk' earlier so tired a I no need 'catwalk' too long.. But beforevthat the patin was really tiring!! Hahaha!

Natalie aka Mrs Storm said...
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Redshadow said...

well oh i take ur word for word lor,
ahem so ur darling did like what pp77 did when he was try to land d fish with his future wife,,hehhehhhe

Redshadow said...

jus to have a closer look ,,wow to my surprise can see indeed cats eyes reflecting ,,eeeeeeee

Danny Lee said...

Mrs Storm , now i think you like all of us will get hook on to FW3 now we fight SW fish no more kick. Today Storm find the fish too light, don't know how to catch.

Xenokel™ aka CSM said...

dan. its always like that.. tats y b4 u join us, me and tommy always go FW3 for 2hour, just to cure the itch

Natalie aka Mrs Storm said...

@Rs cats eyes were reflecting.. Prevent driver going to longkang..same concept?

@Danny/Xeno at least I can say been there done that now. Too bad danny younwere not there to witness.. seriously the itch to fish is like must go must go like that. Don't go is like something missing! On a different note, I think 5-10kg fish is ok for me..anything more I scream for help! Sw fish haven't tried yet..when when? And since storm don't knownhow to fight I can help... Haha!

Danny Lee said...

Ethan already confirm that we should revist PRPP next friday when am back. So we should really attend next friday.