Saturday, March 14, 2009

FW3 70

Went one trip on 13 Mar 8am to 1. Used har lock but no action. Was told by fellow kaki got KC. Changed to small rig and voila, instant. Hit 6 within half hour. Changed to live prawns but no luck even when fish release. Waited 1 hour and owner released 1 more net. Fish bite started and burst off 2. Big ACK landed by fisho. Final tally 8 GP, 3ACK,1 tw. Lost 3 biggies.

14 Mar revenge morning trip. Set up heavy tackle to target big ACK. Finally got it. Total tally, 3 big AcK above 3kg, 6 smaller ack and 3 Tw. Red bag pic ACK 4.3kg from freezer, weight by helper from pond. ACK all got from live prawns, mollie,har lock near net.

Met Piero fishing at freshwater side. Must try freshwater one day.

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