Purepunter777, Storm and The Addict.
Supported by : Xeno, Burp, Factor 6, Chim Chim.
Made friends with Bro Zubin who was fishing with his basserra and Stella 5000K.
The Addict arrived at 1015pm and the pond was packed. Apparrently a lot of people had heard of the private event held at the pond with 200kgs of fishes released from the middle net. The comp winner was 2.8kg and there were still biggies to be enjoyed.
The Addict sat with Ah Wai (the operator) at the counter and chatted...
Tony still fishing, had landed another small Gao this evening. Why am I not surprised... it was a dwarf compared to his 5.3 kg on Friday nite.
The Addict listened to their tips on Gao-ster-baiting. Must learn from the pros mah.
F6 arrived shortly. Eh? why dun start? wait a while lor, chit chat first lah.
Then the Addict spied a nice opening at Friday's last spot.... okie.... ladies and gents, boy and girls...its paaaarrrttttyyyyyy time!!!
The Addict starts masterbaiting in public again. Bro Zubin zaps something good on his float... zoom!!! Splash!! aha! Lates Calcarifer, aka, Barramundi, aka Kim Bak Lor of about 2.3kg..... nice durian from the morning event.
Tong! Tong! Time check, midnite, fish release time..... Storm and Yong had already set up and The Addict stopped Masterbaiting and decided to go for a direct swallow style.
Upon reaching the event pond net, many anglers had already started making their way.... eh?? Ah Wai going to the event pond net... aiya... its saturday nite... scoop release big Tandas(ACKS), aiya... the Addict decided not to give it a go and when back to his old spot and started masterbaiting again. Burp - AA, go lah got chance one... sigh, okie lor, just as the addict casted and stood by to wait for a solid swallow, PP777 received morse code to standby to splurge andrelin. He tighted his line a bit, tug tug again... WHACCKKKKK!!! FISH ON!.... woweee.... feels quite good size..... woweee!!! After a bit on wrist-wrenching and arm-wrestling, PP777 was victorious with a nice big tanda.
The Addict and Storm persisted joined by Xeno after the fish was unhooked. After 2 crosslines, The Addict to go and stand in his corner and masterbait again....
After a short while, there was some commotion at the event pond net area again. "8 metres! 8 metres! I only got 8 metres on line!!!" It was Tony who was hooked on to something big and only had a little bit of line on his tiny spool.. Main event match! After much cooperation from the anglers around and also a bit of cooperation from the fish, a huge tanda came up....
waahh.... Andrelin euphoria spread across the anglers.... MOTIVATION!!!!
TONG! TONG! eh? what gives? release fish?? surecatch pond side..... Yaayyyy, Hurriedly, the Addict stopped masterbaiting and mousied over....Gaos... releasing small Gaos.... Hmm young and tender types.... my favorite!!!
In the flash of an eye, it appeared that all PRPP anglers has converged upon the release area. A few up-sized char bee hoon occurred.... then PP777 received morse code again ..---...-...---...---....---.., ZAP!!!! fish on! hopefully GAO!!!.... nope, Michael is back....
A few more packets of bee hoon later, the Addict was really full and decided to go back to masterbaiting.... just as I changed my rig.... I turned back and saw that the release area was almost empty! hmmm so, it wasnt ony the addict that was disheartened... but just release, sure have fishes still hovering around there mah.... Try one more time...
The Addict put on his his parking coupon..... oopss, I mean parking "Kembong", indicator (marker) on, and sat down. knock! knock! The marker danced once. My heartbeat skipped once. then the marked danced and line started to straighten.... I broke all shuttle run records and picked up the rod, tightened and whaccck!!! fish on... yaaayy! a nice wrestling match and up came a nice tanda maybe 1.3kg.
At this juncture, the Addict's head was buzzing already......
As the nite got on, The Addict had been parking with Kembong for a while now. PP777 & Storm suggested using live-prawns... Storm salvaged some and hooked on a 3-piece-pack, no salad, no coleslaw, no drink, no upsize. He casted to his favorite ang koay spot.. as he put down his rod, the Addict shouted.... "Eat oreadi! Eat oreadi!" No one seemed to believe him, so.... ok lor... nia-mind lor. However, Storm did tighten his line a bit...
He went back to his chair. ...-...----...-..--.---, morse code again... John sashayed to his rod.... almost catwalk fashion... what we call damn "ZHAI" one. Tightened, zapped... fish on.... not big leh... 3 prawns you know....hmmm.... actually, the victim was a nice MJ.
The Addict decided to copy-kat.... 2 live prawns..... renamed the concept from "2-prawn Theory" to "Prawn Prawn (puan puan) Theory). walked back to zip coffee, walk back with the intention to tighten the loose line. Tommp! tug! tug! tug! Trademark of Mr KBL..
Tightened, Zapped!!!!, Splash! zoom, Splash! Splash! Zoom! Wrestlemania!!! Burp - play ah bro, play, not ready yet.....when it was finally, with one swoop of the plier, up come the Kimmi. Out came Storm digi-scale that rated Mr Kim to be 4kg.... niccceeeee!
Still trembling, the addict rigged up and casted to the same spot. Sat on his chair and pomp! the styro was nowhere to be seen again... tightened.... zapped.... little MJ....
Overall, fun trip....

wahh superb! good job guys..
brudder... u bc0m ah gng lia0.. can write such a l0ng st0ry.
0MG.. my keyb0ard sia0 lia0. my 0 cun type lia0
n0w using 0 > zer0 t0 replace
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