Friday, May 28, 2010

Kyoto 270510

Wong's so called virgin trip to Kyoto and Luring..

Total catch 14pcs

Patrick - 8pcs.

Wong - 4pcs (like real only... say virgin to luring and can land 4pcs. Con man.. muahaha)

Me - 2pcs (hai...what to say.. better than ZERO right??? At least broke the virgin of my Ci4.. that's the most important)

Well.. it was an enjoyable night.. Wong really did a damn good job in luring...

Best thing is that before i left, our dear Chim Chim is acutally fishing in Kyoto also on the opposite side of us and we didn't know it...

Oh ya... a BIG gao was also landed by a fisho next to us.. estimated weight 5-6kg

edited by pp777.

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