Sunday, August 15, 2010

Operation FW3 on 15 Aug 2010

Spirit and I had a good morning session at FW3. I managed to land 2 Red Tail Catfish, 2 Patins, 1 big tilapia, but has 3 burst lines. Eric managed to land 1 Red Tail Catfish, 1 Patin, but lost 1 Patin and 1 Seabass, and 2 burst lines.

Spirit's redtail catfish:

My redtail catfish:

A surprising big Tilapia caught:

Overall, I would think it was a good session at FW3 as everybody manage to fight at least one sizeable fish and land it, despite of the light drizzle there.


Xenokel™ aka CSM said...

btw bruce. u joining us for the 7th dinner?

Anonymous said...

nice catch

relaxed33 said...

Hi Xeno, I dun think I can join u all for dinner on 27 Aug. May need to work late for that night.

Danny Lee said...

what bait was use for the day and what time did you all start fishing. Great catch

relaxed33 said...

Chicken liver used as bait and started fishing from 8am-12noon. Golden timing is from 8-9.30am as the bangala feeds the fish between 8.30-9.30am.